Create & Download Name Ringtone with Ringtone Maker
If you’ve ever asked yourself this question, “How can I get my name ringtone?” – this app is just for you. You can now create your name ringtone in 3 easy steps. Customize your cell phone with your name and caller name ringtones.
My Name Ringtone Maker App helps to create personalized free caller ringtones with desired custom text and multiple text suggestions. This is one of the best free app for making name music ringtone as your favorite caller tune.
Make special and beautiful ringtones with given text or you may choose from default text. My Name Ringtone Maker is very helpful for making name ringtones. Give your favorite person name and you can set that tone. You can create new ringtone and immediately set as default ringtone.
Choose from default text or give your desired text and can create ringtones. Here you can create your own name ringtone. For example, you can create “Dear, Call for you”, “Please pick the call”, “Buddy is Calling” and many more. Edit the existing songs from your music gallery and create tones. You can create your desired one and set as ringtone. My Name Ringtone Maker is very user friendly.
How it works:
- Start My Name Ringtone Maker
- Select Prefix before your name
- Type your desired name to be called when call receives
- Play for testing and listen to the tone
- Tap to save the button
- Set as default ringtone or Set as contact ringtone
Our Features:
- My Name Ringtone Maker is provided with user friendly options.
- Create Online customized tones.
- Customized text tones and mp3 tones.
- Choose from default text or give your desired text tones.
- Can set the tones as default tones.
- Create the ringtones as funny as you can.
Free and online Name ringtone maker
Name ringtone maker is an amazing online tool that can make beautiful ringtones with your name by following a few simple steps.
First, you need to choose your ringtone language.
Then type your name in the name field.
Then, choose any listed message or add your custom text.
Now choose a piece of background music.
Now click on ‘Make ringtone’.
Boom your name ringtone is now ready to download.
Language selection
Online name ringtone maker allows you to make your name ringtones in 9 different languages. Like: English, Hindi, Bengali, Tamil, Telegu, Marathi, Malayalam, Gujarati, Kannada.
So if you are choosing other languages like- Hindi, Bengali, Tamil, Telegu, Marathi, Malayalam, Gujarati, Kannada.
So please fill all the fields with the selected language font. Or if you do not like to write fonts manually. Don’t worry let us do that for you…follow the steps
Chose the language of your ringtone.
Write your name in English.
Select your message or add a custom message. (* If you have chosen a custom message, you typed your message in English and you want to make a ringtone in other languages like-Hindi, Bengali, Telegu…etc then simply “Enable Translate”)
Chose background music. Hit on “Make ringtone”.
Advanced options:
We gave you more freedom to customize your ringtone as per your need. Know what are the uses of advanced options.
Loop Count: With the “Set voice-over loop count” option you can control how many times the voice-over will repeat in the final ringtone. Example: If you have set loop count 2 then the voice-over will repeat two time.
Length: You know that every background pieces of music are not the same length. So to create a professional ringtone you can change the final ringtone length.
Volume Control: In some ringtones background music becomes louder than the voice-over message. To get rid of this problem now you can also control the volume easily.