Income certificate Kerala is an official statement provided to the citizen by the state government confirming his/her annual income.
The certificate contains the details of the annual income of a person/family from all kind of resources.
Documents Required for Income Certificate in Kerala
Following documents are required to get Income Certificate in Kerala.
- Affidavit
- Any relevant document certifying income
- Basic Tax Receipt
- Form Sixteen
- IT Return
- Land tax receipt
- Ration Card
- Salary Certificate
- Tax Reciept from concerned local authority
Edistrict Registration
To get Income Certificate online, you need to register in the Kerala E-district portal.
Follow the below steps to register in Edistrict portal.
- Visit Kerala E-District portal.
- Click on “Create Account“.
- Enter the basic details about the applicant such as name, address, aadhaar number etc.
- Provide the login and password details.
- Applicant has to validate their Aadhaar number to complete the registration in E-district portal.
- Apply Online for Income Certificate in Kerala
- Follow the below steps to apply online for Income Certificate in Kerala.
- Login to Kerala E-District portal.
- Click on “Income Certificate“.
- Click on “Apply Now“.
- Select the eDistrict Register No.
- Select the purpose of the application. (State Purpose/Outside State Purpose)
- Enter the details about the income of applicant.
- Enter the basic details about the applicant such as name, address, aadhaar number etc.
- Provide the login and password details.
- Enter the details about the income of family.
- Enter the property details.
- Provide the declaration.
- Click on “Save and Forward”.
- Upload the required documents.
- Click on Next.
- Make the required payment.
- Track Status of Income Certificate in Kerala
- Follow the below steps to track the status of your Income Certificate in Kerala.
- Login to Kerala E-District portal.
- Click on “Certificate Applications”.
- Choose “From Date” and “To Date”. Click on “Go”.
- Now you can see the list of all your requests.
- Click on the certificate request to view the status of the request.
Download Income Certificate in Kerala
If your application is approved, you will get an SMS informing that your income certificate is issued. Follow the below steps to download the Income Certificate in Kerala.
- Login to Kerala E-District portal.
- Click on “Certificate Applications”.
- Choose “From Date” and “To Date”. Click on “Go”.
- Click on Income Certificate to download it.
Apply Offline for Income Certificate in Kerala
- Visit the Village Office or the nearest Akshaya Centre in your area.
- Fill the Income Certificate Application Form.
- Submit the Application along with the supporting documents.